
Fashion Friday! Happy Father's Day!

, by Susan Harbourt, 3 min reading time

Happy Father's Day to all the fathers and soon to be fathers out there!

Be sure to check out the Pin 2 Win Contest below!

Samantha's Outfits:

Attending a Father's Day Barbecue Feast!

It's Father's Day and what better way to celebrate with the family and friends than to have a barbecue!  This Father's Day I will be sporting the light pinks and whites for the elegant and daughter look I am going for.  Light pinks are hot this summer!  I chose to pair white pants with a white flowy tank and a light pink blazer.  This shows the business casual and daytime fun.  If the weather seems to be a little hotter than expected, I suggest the coral romper with the white blazer for that extra room and comfort.  Pair that outfit with camel colored heels or sandals, a tan/camel colored tote bag, and the Gold Rays Necklace by Susan Harbourt Designs!  The gold of the necklace really ties together the entire assemble with a shimmer of flare.  If you are looking to create a fun-loving, whole hearted outfit, choose the Gold Rays Necklace to instantly make a bold and classy statement.

Happy Father's Day!

Susan's Outfit:

This weekend I hope to hang out with my dad for Father's Day.  We nicknamed him "Digger Dad" because he has all kinds of stuff he has collected over the years, and whenever we go to visit he always has some random treasure he has to go "digging" for to show off and tell a story about.  So I will need to be nice and comfy in some relaxed jeans (or dungarees and my dad would call them)I can roll up and get dusty helping him "dig".  My dad also was an engineer (as in the mathematical kind) before he retired but always had dreams of being a Choo Choo train engineer.  He even has another nickname of Freewheelin' Freddy to go with that little dream of his!  He has even pursued his dream of becoming a train engineer as his hobby, so I need to go with some fun black and white stripes to pay homage to the traditional pair of stripped bib train engineer overalls and a reddish cardigan to play off the colors of the red handkerchief of an engineers "uniform".  My Up-cycled Forget-Me-Not Earrings and Necklace made from reclaimed copper featuring the aged ombre finish seems like an appropriate addition to my outfit for a day of exploring treasures from the past with my dad. 


Fathers Day Casual



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