
Featured Shop of the Week! Uncommon Goods!

, by Susan Harbourt, 2 min reading time

For these past two years, Uncommon Goods have been too kind and good to us at Susan Harbourt Designs.  We have remained a close and wonderful relationship with them.   To show how much appreciation we have for the Uncommon Goods family, we decided to feature them as our Featured Shop of the Week!  They not only help sell our goods, but they do a wonderful job helping artisans all throughout the nation.  


Uncommon Goods is an online store that helps many aspiring artists get their work out there.  The website sells home goods to jewelry to entertainment, if something is out of the ordinary, you can expect Uncommon Goods to have it!  One of the many fantastic things on the website is that the artists can tell the customers their interesting background and history of their business.  They are able to inform and entertain, where the customers are getting their gifts from. In doing so, the artists are able to build a bond with their customers. If you are looking for something different and you cannot find it at the local Target, then stop by this online store, and find something for anybody!


UG was founded in 1999 in Brooklyn, NY in hopes to feature unique designs and handmade gifts of all kinds.  Fun fact :  most of the products sold on the website are handmade, right here in the USA, and about 1/3 of the entire store contains recycled or upcycled materials.  Sound familiar?  Yes, Susan Harbourt Designs fits in both these categories and we love that UG helps support the craftsmanship of local and national artists.  UG is known for their loyal-ness to their suppliers, and support and love they have for small business owners, and handcrafted materials.  Not only does UG do all that was mentioned above, but they also sponsor non-profit organizations such as RAINN (anti-sexual violence organization), American Forests, Women for Women International, and City Harvest (strives to end hunger in NY).


Thank you, Uncommon Goods, for all the support and goodness you spread across the USA!



For more information about Uncommon Goods:





Current Hours: 


Mon - Fri 8am - 12am ET 

Sat & Sun 8am - 11pm E

By Phone: 888.365.0056

PS...Don't be shy and let them know that Susan and Sam sent you!


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