
Collaboration is Cool!

, by Susan Harbourt, 2 min reading time


It has been an amazing past few weeks, and so much has been going on. Most notably I have been collaborating with my sister and her partner at Vintage Karma on not one big event, but two!

It all started with an invite to be part of the first "Vintage Do Over" show on June 15 in Chicago that hopes to turn into a monthly event.  The theme of the show is as the name suggests, taking something old and making it new again thru some form of reinvention or revitalization .  It is being hosted by the Princess of Pickers, Danielle Colby, who owns a shop up in Chicago called 4 Miles 2 Memphis.  I am not much of the show goer, I am kinda shy that way.  Excited about this show and its target market, I asked Ainslie and Laura if they were interested in going with me.  They were very excited to explore the new opportunity and agreed to be a booth buddy with me!  So we have kicked into gear making all of that "stuff" we said we wanted to make but just had not made.  It has been amazing and so productive!

As if that were not enough, I also was asked to be part of the HobNob Market in Kennekuk Park near Danville, IL on June 7th and 8th.  HobNob is an event that is where Handmade meets vintage and promises to not be your Grandma's type antique show!  Again, a theme that fits in perfectly with the collaboration of Susan Harbourt Designs and Vintage Karma!

Here are some sneak peeks into the things we are working on for you:





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